Hannah Schmedes
Hannah Schmedes is a PhD candidate in Gender Media Studies at Ruhr-University Bochum. She is a researcher in the project “Bicycle Media. Cooperative Media of Mobility” at the University of Siegen and an associate member of the graduate program “The Documentary” at the Ruhr-University Bochum. Her dissertation on queerfeminist infrastructure critique explores how gender politics are coded into infrastructures and platforms. “Containing: Leaks” was the topic of her M.A. in European Media Studies at the University of Potsdam, which followed a B.A. in Cultural Studies and Philosophy at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. She is part of the feminist collective Wiki Riot Squad, where she has led writing workshops on Wikipedia’s publishing and interface policies. Recent talks and publications have explored themes of porosity, leakiness, and witchcraft in relation to gender and infrastructure.