Publish with us
The focus of meson press is on premium-quality publications on digital cultures and networked media, but we also aspire to publish innovative works on cognate subjects. In addition to this, the emphasis of meson press is on a large variety of publication formats, ranging from single author monographs to edited volumes or (shorter) contributions to a series. Ultimately, it is essential for meson press that your publication features a clear-cut concept that is in accord with our requirements.
Meson press books are open access under a Creative Common License (preferably CC-BY-SA). In order to publish a manuscript with meson press, a publication processing charge is to be paid (the fee depends on the length of your book; an estimate will be provided upon acceptance of your proposal). The level of this charge, which in many cases we hope will be met by funders, will be calculated by looking at all costs involved in the publishing process. It will include peer-reviewing, editing, publishing, maintaining and archiving, and delivering full digital access to the publication. The charge covers the entire cost of the publication. For certain publications, meson press can decide to waive the charge.
Next steps …
If you believe your book project is a great fit for meson press and equally important meson is the right fit for you, please contact us at and provide us with some information regarding your project. Here is what we need to know:
- Title and subtitle for your project
- Brief description of project’s scope and content (max. 250 words)
- Length (words) – how long do you expect the project to be?
- Preliminary table of contents
- A short bio of the author(s) or editor(s)
- In the case of an edited volume please provide a preliminary list of all contributors
Upon receipt we will review your project proposal internally and if evaluated positively ask you to provide a more formal book proposal to be evaluated by an external reviewer (please consult our peer review policy for more information). Based on this review we determine whether your book can be published with meson press and we will communicate this decision to you in a timely manner.
Once accepted meson press provides you with the necessary style sheets, templates for preparing your manuscript and will give you an estimate for the publication processing charge to be paid for your publication.
You still have any open questions or anything else you would like to inquire about? Do not hesitate, contact us at