- Language english Pages 380
- Publishing Year 2020
- Series Configurations of Film Series
- 978-3-95796-008-5 (print)
- 978-3-95796-009-2 (PDF)
- DOI:
- 10.14619/0085
- Available as Print, PDF, HTML
- License:
- CC BY-SA 4.0
- Download:
Pandemic Media
Preliminary Notes Toward an Inventory
With its unprecedented scale and consequences the COVID-19 pandemic has generated a variety of new configurations of media. Responding to demands for information, synchronization, regulation, and containment, these “pandemic media” reorder social interactions, spaces, and temporalities, thus contributing to a reconfiguration of media technologies and the cultures and polities with which they are entangled. Highlighting media’s adaptability, malleability, and scalability under the conditions of a pandemic, the contributions to this volume track and analyze how media emerge, operate, and change in response to the global crisis and provide elements toward an understanding of the post-pandemic world to come.
Read the book online at pandemicmedia.meson.press.
Table of Contents
Pandemic Media: Introduction [PDF]
Laliv Melamed and Philipp Dominik Keidl
T I M E / T E M P O R A L I T Y
The Waiting Room: Rethinking Latency after COVID-19 [PDF]
Neta Alexander
Divided, Together, Apart: How Split Screen Became Our Everyday Reality [PDF]
Malte Hagener
Pass This On! How to Copy the Pandemic with Alex Gerbaulet [PDF]
Ulrike Bergermann
Opening the Vault: Streaming the Film Library in the Age of Pandemic Content [PDF]
Jaap Verheul
Pivoting in Times of the Coronavirus [PDF]
Felix M. Simon
“If You Say You Watch the Movie, You’re a Couple o’ Liars”: In Search of the Missing Audience at the Drive-In [PDF]
Karin Fleck
S P A C E / S C A L E
Of Drones and the Environmental Crisis in the Year of 2020 [PDF]
Teresa Castro
The Fever of Images: Thermography, Sensuality and Care in Pandemic Times [PDF]
Alice Leroy
Video Conferencing and the Uncanny Encounter with Oneself. Self-Reflexivity as Self 2.0 [PDF]
Yvonne Zimmermann
Pandemic Platforms: How Convenience Shapes the Inequality of Crisis [PDF]
Joshua Neves and Marc Steinberg
An Animated Tale of Two Pandemics [PDF]
Juan Llamas-Rodriguez
Vulnerabilities and Resiliency in the Festival Ecosystem: Notes on Approaching Film Festivals in Pandemic Times [PDF]
Marijke de Valck
Theme Parks in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic [PDF]
Rebecca Willliams
T E C H N O L O G I E S / M A T E R I A L I T I E S
Machine Vision in Pandemic Times [PDF]
Antonio Somaini
The Car as Pandemic Media Space [PDF]
Alexandra Schneider
“Covid-dronism”: Pandemic Visions from Above [PDF]
Ada Ackerman
Of Liquid Images and Vital Flux [PDF]
Bishnupriya Ghosh
Pandemic Media: On the Governmediality of Corona Apps [PDF]
Christoph Engemann
Zoom in on the Face: The Close-Up at Work [PDF]
Guilherme da Silva Machado
Diego Semerene
Textile-Objects and Alterity: Notes on the Pandemic Mask [PDF]
Marie-Aude Baronian
Glass, Adhesive Tape, Boom Mic: A City in Crisis in Three Acts [PDF]
Marek Jancovic
E D U C A T I O N / I N S T R U C T I O N
Media of Trust: Visualizing the Pandemic [PDF]
Florian Hoof
Mediating Disease: Scientific Transcriptions of COVID-19 into Animal Models [PDF]
Benjamín Schultz-Figueroa and Sophia Gräfe
Pandemic Porn: Understanding Pornography as a Thick Concept [PDF]
Leonie Zilch
The Time Stretched Before Us: Rethinking Young Children’s “Screen Time” [PDF]
Meredith A. Bak
John Mowitt
Kerim Dogruel
Let’s Go to Oberhausen! Some Notes on an Online Film Festival Experience [PDF]
Wanda Strauven
A C T I V I S M / S O C I A B I L I T Y
This Is Our Night: Eurovision Again and Liveness through Archives [PDF]
Abby S. Waysdorf
More than you bargained for: Care, community, and sexual expression through queer women’s dating apps during the COVID-19 pandemic [PDF]
Stefanie Duguay
“Thus isolation is a project.” Notes toward a Phenomenology of Screen-Mediated Life [PDF]
Shane Denson
Mapping Mutations: Tracing the Travel of a Viral Image [PDF]
Amrita Biswas
Pandemic Media: Protest Repertoires and K-pop’s Double Visions [PDF]
Michelle Cho
How to Fight a Pandemic with Status Elevation: The Home Shopping Governance of Donald J. Trump [PDF]
Vinzenz Hediger
A New Period In History: Decolonizing Film Archives in a Time of Pandemic Capitalism [PDF]
Didi Cheeka
Anticipating the Colonial Apocalypse: Jeff Barnaby’s Blood Quantum [PDF]
Kester Dyer